49 research outputs found

    A Pattern-based Approach to Quantitative Enterprise Architecture Analysis

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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) management involves tasks that substantially contribute to the operations of an enterprise, and to its sustainable market presence. One important aspect of this is the availability of services to customers. However, the increasing interconnectedness of systems with other systems and with business processes makes it difficult to get a clear view on change impacts and dependency structures. While management level decision makers need this information to make sound decisions, EA models often do not include quality attributes (such as availability), and very rarely provide quantitative means to assess them. We address these shortcomings by augmenting an information model for EA modeling with concepts from Probabilistic Relational Models, thus enabling quantitative analysis. A sample business case is evaluated as an example of the technique, showing how decision makers can benefit from information on availability impacts on enterprise business services

    OCL statements for interoperability prediction

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    QC 20120913</p

    Application of a Language for Interoperability Modeling and Prediction

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    QC 20120913</p

    Differences in the road structure laterally : an analysis of parallel sampling along three older roads

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    Under mĂ„nga Ă„r har rekonstruktion av vĂ€gar byggt pĂ„ provtagning av befintliga material i vĂ€gkroppen. Det finns olika utrustningar för att utföra detta, som innebĂ€r större eller mindre ingrepp i vĂ€gen. ErfarenhetsmĂ€ssigt vet man att det kan skilja i materialföljder beroende pĂ„ var i vĂ€gkroppen proven tas. VĂ€gsidorna kan skilja, slĂ€nt och vĂ€gbana har ofta olika uppbyggnad vilket gör det kritiskt var provtagning görs i vĂ€gkroppen. Man strĂ€var i en rekonstruktion att fĂ„ sĂ„ lika slutprodukt som möjligt, det vill sĂ€ga ungefĂ€r lika livslĂ€ngd lĂ€ngs hela strĂ€ckan. Om man fĂ„r markant olika resultat lĂ€ngs strĂ€ckan kan det medföra att underhĂ„llsĂ„tgĂ€rder mĂ„ste utföras tidigare eller senare Ă€n förvĂ€ntat. Tidigarelagda Ă„tgĂ€rder kan om de Ă€r omfattande tydligt försĂ€mra kostnaderna ur ett LCC-perspektiv (Life Cycle Cost), medan överdimensionering Ă„ andra sidan kan medföra ökade kostnader i byggskedet. För Trafikverkets planering Ă€r det dĂ€rför viktigt att rĂ€tt Ă„tgĂ€rd utförs. Det mĂ„ste alltsĂ„ göras en avvĂ€gning mellan representativitet, trafiksĂ€kerhet och kostnad nĂ€r man vĂ€ljer provtagningsmetod. I tre bĂ€righetsprojekt pĂ„ befintliga vĂ€gar i VĂ€sterbotten har provtagning utförts vid inventering, dels i slĂ€nt, dels i vĂ€gbanan. Provtagning har gjorts sĂ„ att man erhĂ„llit lageruppbyggnaden frĂ„n vartdera provtagningssĂ€tt pĂ„ varje sektion. Syftet med studien Ă€r att undersöka om det finns skillnad mellan de tvĂ„ provtagningsmetoderna och om det finns risk att fel Ă„tgĂ€rd vĂ€ljs baserat pĂ„ resultaten. I notatet redovisas resultat frĂ„n provtagningar utmed tre vĂ€gar, vĂ€g 779 Andersfors–StorbrĂ€nnan, 897 Ålund–Jakobsfors och 726 Bygdsiljum–BurtrĂ€sk. Resultaten har analyserats om det finns systematiska skillnader eller likheter mellan placeringen av provtagning och hur dessa förhĂ„ller sig i relation till Trafikverkets regler för provtagning, sĂ„som de beskrivs i TDOK2014:0151 ”Provtagning av obundna material”.For many years, reconstruction of roads has been built on the sampling of existing materials in the road structure. There are various methods to accomplish this, which means more or less damages in the road. From experience, we know that it may differ in material layer build up depending on where the roadbed samples are taken. Sides of the road may differ; slope and road surface often have different structure which makes it critical were sampling was done laterally in the road structure. Efforts in a reconstruction is to obtain as similar final product as possible, i.e. about the same service life along the entire route. If you get significantly different results along the route it may result in maintenance operations must be carried out earlier or later than expected. Previously Scheduled actions can be if they are extensive clearly increase the cost of a LCC perspective (Life Cycle Cost), while oversizing on the other hand can result in increased costs in the construction phase. For Road Administration planning, it is important that the right action is taken. It must be a balance between representativeness, road safety and cost when selecting sampling method. During three bearing capacity projects on existing roads in northern Sweden it has been sampled from both the road verge and the roadway. Sampling has been done to receive layer structure build-up from each sampling method on each section. The purpose of the study is to examine whether there is a difference between the two sampling methods, and if there is a risk that the wrong reconstruction action is selected based on the results. The report presents results from sampling along three roads, road 779Andersfors–StorbrĂ€nnan, 897 Ålund– Jakobsfors and 726 Bygdsiljum–BurtrĂ€sk. The results have been analysed whether there are systematic differences or similarities between the location of sampling and how these are related to the Transport Administration's rules for sampling, as described in TDOK2014: 0151 "Sampling of unbound materials.

    Trendspaning pĂ„ skogsintressenter – LĂ€rk

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    Med en medeltemperatur som ökar och ett torrare klimat till följd av klimatförĂ€ndringar stĂ„r det svenska skogsbruket inför utmaningar. Det torrare klimatet medför en ökning av skadeinsekter som gynnas av högre temperaturer och angriper de trĂ€dslag som utgör majoriteten av det svenska skogsbruket. Med detta i Ă„tanke söker sig mĂ„nga skogsĂ€gare efter alternativa trĂ€dslag som tolererar klimatförĂ€ndringarna. Miljökrav hos producenter och produkter inom alla branscher ökar. Konsumenter har blivit mer miljömedvetna och dĂ€rför efterfrĂ„gas miljövĂ€nligare produkter mer frekvent Ă€n tidigare. Tryckimpregnerat virke innehĂ„ller mycket kemikalier för att kunna motstĂ„ röta och svampangrepp, som försĂ€mrar virkets kvalitet avsevĂ€rt. Restriktionerna kring kemisk behandling Ă€r redan vĂ€ldigt strikta och Ă„tervinningen av impregnerat virke krĂ€ver extra hantering. LĂ€rk Ă€r ett trĂ€dslag som med sin höga kĂ€rnvedsandel Ă€r naturligt impregnerat och rötbestĂ€ndigt vilket innebĂ€r att det ej behöver nĂ„gon kemisk behandling. Denna studie grundar sig pĂ„ djupintervjuer dĂ€r det Ă€r sex respondenter i tre olika intressentkategorier som alla Ă€r anknutna till skogsbruket, hur det bedrivs och de skogliga produkterna som levereras frĂ„n skogen. Intervjuerna baseras pĂ„ hur de intervjuade tycker och tĂ€nker kring trĂ€dslaget lĂ€rk, dess virkesegenskaper, marknadsmĂ€ssigt, dess framtida roll och allmĂ€nna uppfattningar. Slutligen genomförde varje respondent en SWOT-analys dĂ€r de fick utmĂ€rka lĂ€rkens styrkor, svagheter, möjligheter och hot samt utveckla sina tankar. Resultatet frĂ„n studien visar att det finns ett intresse kring lĂ€rk bĂ„de frĂ„n skogsĂ€gare, sĂ„gverk och bygghandlare dĂ€r de anser det Ă€r ett vĂ€ldigt bra trĂ€dslag med dess goda virkesegenskaper dĂ€r fokus ligger pĂ„ dess höga kĂ€rnvedsandel som gör det naturligt rötbestĂ€ndigt och med detta ett miljövĂ€nligt alternativ. Detta gĂ„r som en röd trĂ„d i alla intervjuer som genomförts. Det intressanta i resultatet Ă€r, varför inte skogsĂ€garen vĂ€ljer att plantera mer lĂ€rk och varför sĂ„gverken inte sĂ„gar större volymer av lĂ€rk. SkogsĂ€garen planterar inte lĂ€rk eftersom de tycker avsĂ€ttningen Ă€r alldeles för osĂ€ker i dagslĂ€get medan en stor anledning till att sĂ„gverken inte sĂ„gar större volymer lĂ€rk Ă€r den bristande tillgĂ„ngen pĂ„ rĂ„vara och att de större sĂ„gverken ogĂ€rna tar emot smĂ„ partier. De slutsatser som framgick av studien Ă€r att inom skogssverige Ă€r det ett ”moment 22” dĂ€r skogsĂ€garen inte planterar lĂ€rk pĂ„ sitt skogsinnehav eftersom det i regel inte finns nĂ„gon sĂ€ker avsĂ€ttning, förutom i Södra Sverige. Medan de större sĂ„gverken inte tar emot lĂ€rk eftersom det i dagslĂ€get Ă€r lĂ„g tillgĂ„ng och dĂ„ blir lĂ€rken mest ett ”problem” som beblandas in med gran och tall. Det Ă€r smĂ„, specialiserade sĂ„gverk som sĂ„gar lĂ€rk i störst utstrĂ€ckning. En utav de intervjuade skogsĂ€garna som har ett lĂ€rkinnehav i Mellansverige sammanliknar det med en aktie. ”Det Ă€r inte idag som lĂ€rkvirket ska sĂ€ljas, utan det Ă€r om ungefĂ€r 50 Ă„r”. Avslutningsvis bör nĂ€mnas att hela samhĂ€llet blir mer klimatsmart dĂ€r miljön stĂ„r mer och mer i fokus, sĂ„ Ă€ven skogsbruket och dess produkter. SamhĂ€llsomstĂ€llningen tillsammans med ett framtida klimat som drabbar dagens homogena svenska skogsbruk stĂ„r till grund för att skogsindustrins alla intressenter bör sprida sina risker.With an average temperature increasing and a drier climate because of climate change the Swedish forestry is facing challenges. The drier climate leads to an increase in insect pests that benefit from higher temperatures and attacks the tree species that make up most of the Swedish forestry. Many forest owners are looking for alternative tree species that tolerate the climate change . Environmental requirements for producers and products in all industries are increasing. Consumers have become more environmentally conscious and therefore more environmentally friendly products are in demand more frequently than before. Pressure-treated timber contains a lot of chemicals to be able to resist rot and fungus, which significantly deteriorates the quality of the wood. The restrictions on chemical treatment are already very strict and the recycling of impregnated timber requires extra handling. Larch is a tree species that, with its high heartwood content, is naturally impregnated and rot-resistant, which means it does not need any chemical treatment. This study is based on in-depth interviews where there are six respondents in three different stakeholder categories who are all linked to forestry, how it is conducted and the forest products delivered from the forest. The interviews are based on how the interviewees think about the tree species larch, its timber properties, market terms, its future role and general perceptions. Finally, each respondent conducted a SWOT analysis in which they were asked to distinguish the larch’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as well as develop their thoughts. The results of the study show that there is an interest in larch both from forest owners, sawmills and builders' merchants where they consider it to be a very good tree species with its good timber properties where the focus is on its high heartwood proportion that makes it naturally rot-resistant and with this an environmentally friendly alternative. This is a common thread in all interviews that have been conducted. The interesting thing in the results is, why the forest owner does not choose to plant more larch and why the sawmills do not saw larger volumes of larch. The forest owner does not plant larch because they think the market is far too uncertain at present, while a major reason why the sawmills do not saw larger volumes of larch is the lack of access to raw material and that the larger sawmills are reluctant to accept small batches. The conclusions that emerged from the study are that within forest Sweden there is a "catch-22" where the forest owner does not plant larch on his forest holdings because there is usually no secure outlet, except in southern Sweden. While the larger sawmills do not accept larch because there is currently low supply and then larch becomes mostly a "problem" mixed in with spruce and pine. It is small, specialized sawmills that saw larch to the greatest extent. One of the forest owners interviewed who has a larch holding in central Sweden likens it to a share. "It is not today that the larch wood will be sold, but it is in about 50 years". Finally, it should be mentioned that the whole society is becoming more climate-smart where the environment is more and more in focus, as well as forestry and its products. The societal transition, together with a future climate that affects today's homogeneous Swedish forestry, is the basis for all stakeholders in the forest industry to spread their risks

    A Framework for Service Interoperability Analysis using Enterprise Architecture Models

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    Good IT decision making is a highly desirable property that can be furthered by the use of enterprise architecture, an approach to IT management using diagrammatic models. In order to support decision making, the models must be amenable to various kinds of analysis. It is desirable that the models support the sought after analysis effectively since creation of enterprise architecture models often is a demanding task. This paper suggests a framework for enterprise service interoperability analysis and a metamodel containing the information needed to perform the analysis. The paper also illustrates the use of the framework and metamodel in a fictional example

    A Framework for interoperability analysis on the semantic web using architecture models

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    IT decision making requires analysis of possible future scenarios. The quality of the decisions can be enhanced by the use of architecture models that increase the understanding of the components of the system scenario. It is desirable that the created models support the needed analysis effectively since creation of architecture models often is a demanding and time consuming task. This paper suggests a framework for assessing interoperability on the systems communicating over the semantic web as well as a metamodel suitable for this assessment. Extended influence diagrams are used in the framework to capture the relations between various interoperability factors and enable aggregation of these into a holistic interoperability measure. The paper is concluded with an example using the framework and metamodel to create models and perform interoperability analysis.© 2009 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. QC 20120321</p

    ÅtgĂ€rdsvalsstudie Noden BorĂ„s

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    ÅtgĂ€rdsvalsstudien Noden BorĂ„s omfattar infrastrukturen i BorĂ„s tĂ€tort med omnejd. Utredningen har pĂ„gĂ„tt i drygt tre Ă„r och nĂ€r den nu avslutats har man kartlagt och analyserat omrĂ„dets aktuella och framtida förutsĂ€ttningar. Studiens syfte har varit att identifiera behov, funktioner och tillgĂ€nglighet för personer och gods pĂ„ vĂ€g och jĂ€rnvĂ€g med utgĂ„ngspunkt i BorĂ„s stadsutveckling. Studien föreslĂ„r Ă„tgĂ€rder som spelas in i kommunal, regional och nationell Ă„tgĂ€rdsplanering. MĂ„let med studien var att nĂ„ en samsyn och plan för en framtida lĂ„ngsiktig trafikstruktur för det övergripande statliga vĂ€g- och jĂ€rnvĂ€gsnĂ€tet och det kommunala vĂ€gnĂ€tet. BorĂ„s utgör en viktig regional nod för tĂ„g-, buss- och biltrafik men Ă€r ocksĂ„ betydelsefull för samhĂ€llsutvecklingen generellt i VĂ€stsverige. BorĂ„s stĂ„r inför en rad utmaningar, bland annat ökar antalet invĂ„nare och verksamheter stadigt. Det speglas i planeringen av stora utbyggnadsomrĂ„den med sĂ„vĂ€l bostĂ€der som nĂ€ringsverksamhet, vilket i sin tur krĂ€ver vĂ€l fungerande infrastruktur. FĂ€rdmedelsfördelningen i BorĂ„s idag Ă€r inte hĂ„llbar över tid. I kombination med en förvĂ€ntad befolkningsökning i kommunen kommer en oförĂ€ndrad fĂ€rdmedelsfördelning att fĂ„ stora konsekvenser för framkomligheten i trafiksystemet. Den infrastruktur som finns idag kommer framförallt i maxtimmarna inte att kunna ta hand om en vĂ€xande befolkning i framtiden, detta under förutsĂ€ttningen att man fortsĂ€tter att köra bil i samma utstrĂ€ckning och pĂ„ samma tider som idag. MĂ„let för BorĂ„s Stad mĂ„ste dĂ€rför vara att öka andelen resande med kollektivtrafik, cykel och gĂ„ng, vilket ocksĂ„ innebĂ€r en minskning av andelen bilresenĂ€rer. Antalet bilresor kan alltsĂ„ inte öka nĂ€mnvĂ€rt om trafiksystemet Ă€ven fortsĂ€ttningsvis ska fungera tillfredsstĂ€llande. De viktigaste Ă„tgĂ€rderna, som utredningen rekommenderar, Ă€r dĂ€rför de som frĂ€mjar de hĂ„llbara trafikslagen. NĂ€r det gĂ€ller busstrafik anvĂ€nder den oftast samma vĂ€gar och gator som biltrafiken, vilket medför att somliga Ă„tgĂ€rder bidrar till att förbĂ€ttra villkoren för bĂ„de buss och bil. Andra Ă„tgĂ€rder i vĂ€gnĂ€tet har en mer ensidigt positiv effekt för bussar eller bilar, i dessa fall prioriteras busstrafikens framkomlighet framför biltrafikens. I Ă„tgĂ€rdsvalsstudien framhĂ„lls Ă€ven vikten av att följa upp rekommenderade Ă„tgĂ€rder och de mĂ„l som antas, med hjĂ€lp av olika indikatorer. För att vara framgĂ„ngsrik i uppföljningsarbetet krĂ€vs att intressenterna i arbetet med Ă„tgĂ€rdsvalsstudien fortsĂ€tter att samarbeta. Berörda parter behöver samarbeta utifrĂ„n den avsiktsförklaring, de överenskommelser och de avtal som tas fram och ta ansvar för de Ă„tgĂ€rder som ska genomföras

    Longitude profiling as a tool for evaluation of frost active pavement section

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    In seasonal frost regions frost action is a major impact factor on pavement deterioration. Normallyfrost damage evaluation has been carried out by visual inspection in late spring in order to separate frostaction related damages from other pavement damages. The drawback of this methodology is the labour cost,subjective judgement of damages by the personnel and work safety. This approach is not suited for monitoringthe condition of on a road net level. Laser scanning has been used for decades as an efficient tool to monitorthe rutting development on the road net. The monitoring technique requires a snow and ice free surface to getaccurate results. Thus has the use of this technology been limited in the winter seasons. In a few regions longitudeprofiling measurements have been introduced during for quantify winter conditions. More developmentis needed in the field of evaluation and techniques to relate the measurements to frost related processes. In thisstudy has data from longitude profiling in four monitoring lines in from summer and late spring been analysedfor a number of road sections. Spatial data analysis has been applied to match the acquired measurements inbetween the monitoring directions along the road and the different seasons. The difference in roughness betweenthe seasons has been used as a measure to identify and qualitative grade the amount of frost action. Themethodology and its applicability as an objective frost damage classification tool are discussed.Vinter-IR